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展会日期:2006-06-21 至 2006-06-23 展会范围:全球国际性展会 行业类别:机械 - 行业设备 - 水泥设备 - 电气设备 省份/城市: 展会地址:中国国际展览中心 展馆名称:
主办单位:中国建筑金属结构协会中国建筑文化中心 承办单位:中国建筑文化中心 联系人:陈海 联系电话:010-68311372 联系传真:010-88082034 联系地址:中国国际展览中心 邮箱:
06第六届中国(北京)国际建筑钢结构展览会 The 6th China (Beijing) International Steel Structure Exhibition 时 间:2006年6月21-23日 Date: June 21st –23rd 2006 地 点:中国国际展览中心 Venue: China International Exhibition Center 批准单位:中华人民共和国建设部 Authorize company: The ministry of Construction P. R. China 主办单位:中国建筑金属结构协会 中国建筑文化中心 Host by: China Construction Metal Structure Association China Construction Culture Center 协办单位:建设部住宅产业化促进中心 上海市金属结构行业协会 徐州市建设机械金属结构协会 福建省建筑业协会金属结构设备建材分会 成都市人民政府建设委员会 浙江省建筑业行业协会钢结构分会 欧洲钢结构协会 美国钢铁协会 日本建筑钢骨协会 韩国京乡新闻社 Co-sponsor: The Center For Housing Industrialization Shanghai Metal Structure Industry Association Xuzhou Construct Machinery Metal Structure Association Fujian Construction Industry Association Metal Structure Equipment Building material Association Chengdu The people’s Government Construction Committee Zhejiang Construction Industry Association Steel Structure Association Europe Steel Structure Association American Steel Association Japan Construction Steel Structure Association Korea News 支持单位:中国建筑工程总公司 中国房地产业协会 中国建筑学会 北京市建委 中国勘察设计协会 北京市勘察设计协会 中国城市规划设计协会 中国建筑设计研究院 北京城建集团有限责任公司 北京建工集团有限责任公司 北京市建筑设计研究院 Supporter: China State Construction Engineering Corporation China Real Estate Association China Construction Academy Beijing Construction Committee China Reconnaissance Design Association Beijing Reconnaissance Design Association China Association of City Planning China Institute of Architectural Design Beijing Urban Construction Group Beijing Construction Engineering Group Beijing Institute of Architectural Design 欢 迎 词 Salutatory 中国建筑金属结构协会会长 杜宗翰 The Chairman of China Construction Steel Structure Association Mr. Du Zonghan 值此中国建筑金属结构协会成立25周年、建筑钢结构委员会成立10年的喜庆日子里,我们将再度欢聚北京,迎来第六届中国(北京)国际建筑钢结构展览会。它将对建筑钢结构行业十年来的发展,十年来巨大成绩进行总结,进行展示。它告诉我们作为21世纪的朝阳产业,我国的建筑钢结构行业发展前景广阔,市场潜力巨大。本次展览会将在总结以往展会经验,扩大行业影响的基础上,在中国国际展览中心举办。相信新一届的展会将以其空前的规模,丰富的内涵,充分展示建筑钢结构领域的先进设备、先进材料和高新技术,以及相关的产品。在展览会期间我们还将举办高级研讨会,专家现场答疑咨询、钢结构金奖项目推广等活动。同时我们将加强与海外的合作,邀请国外贸易商到会与参会代表座谈交流,将意向出口的企业介绍给海外承包商、工程商。届时海内外行业的著名专家,学者、企业家、房地产开发商将相互切磋技术、交流经验,共同展望建筑钢结构的发展前景和美好未来,促进行业的持续快速健康发展。 For celebrating The 6th China (Beijing) International Construction Steel Structure Exhibition, we meet in Beijing just on the day of 25 anniversary of China Construction Steel Structure Association and 10 anniversary of Construction Steel Structure Committee. It will be a summary for its ten years development and achievement. Telling us our construction steel structure industry will have a perfect future as a new pattern industry of the 21st century. This exhibition will be held in Beijing international exhibition center on the basic of former experience and extending industry influencing. We believe that this exhibition will show the advanced construction steel structure equipment, material and technology for its large scale and abundant connotation. During the exhibition we will also hold the seminar, a lot of experts will solve your problems and promote the golden project of steel structure. Meanwhile, we will fasten the international cooperation, invite oversea merchants to discuss the technology and exchange the experience with the companies who want to develop international market, and introduce them to the international experts, scholar, enterpriser and real estate developer. Make a fast and health development. 这是全国建筑钢结构行业各路精英的一次盛会,它将扩大视野,启迪智慧,捕捉到市场最佳商机,获得行业最新信息,诚邀您的参与,期盼着我们的相聚。 It is a perfect exhibition on the industry of construction steel structure, and it is a perfect opportunity for you to enlarge your view, edify brightness and catch the market. We are looking forward to your coming. 展览会组委会 Exhibition Committee 主 任:杜宗翰 Director: Du Zonghan 副 主 任:李建忠、徐文锋、李兴建 Vice-director: Li Jianzhong, Xu Wenfeng, Li Xingjian 委 员:符忠源、李 岗、蔡益燕、薛 发、尹敏达、单银木、朱增源 高海建、谢振清、方朝阳、闫建国、郭兴堂、王金花、朱若兰 袁恒芳、刘贺年、邹鲁建、李艳华、顾文婕 Commissioner: Fu Zhongyuan, Li Gang, Cai Yiyan, Xue Fa, Yin Minda, Zhu Zengyuan, Gao Haijian, Xie Zhenqing, Fang Chaoyang, Yan Jianguo, Guo Xingtang, Wang Jinhua, Zhu Ruolan, Yuan Hengfang, Liu Henian, Zou Lujian, Li Yanhua, Gu Wenjie. 秘 书 长:张爱兰 Secretary-general: Zhang Ailan 副秘书长:熊 淳 Vice- Secretary-general: Xiong Chun 展会服务 Exhibition Service ·客户组织 Client organize 系统组织:通过协会系统组织会员及专业观众。 System organize: Organize the associators and visitors through Association 数 据 库 :运用组委会数年来积累并整理的大量买家数据,进行邀请。 Datum: Invite the visitors on the basic of the yearly buyers’ datum. 特殊客户:可根据展商的要求邀请重点观众。 VIP Clients: Invite the visitors in terns of the exhibitors’ order. 媒体宣传:报纸:全国及海外30家专业及综合性报业联盟合作,发布信息、专题报导及 连载广告。 Media advertise: Newspaper: Advertise the exhibition information on more than 30 professional newspaper both in China and overseas. 电视:中央及北京电视台专题栏目进行专访、推荐及广告。 TV: Advertise on CCTV and Beijing TV special column. 刊物:《钢结构与建筑业》《主办城市》《中国建筑金属结构》《中国钢结构产业》《建筑创作》《中国建设报》《住宅产业》《建设科技》 Magazines: “Steel structure & Construction industry”, “Host city”, “China Construction Steel Structure”, “China Steel Structure Industry”, “Construction Invent”, “China Construction Newspaper”, “House Industry”, “Construction Technology” 网络:中国建筑金属结构信息网、钢结构网、中国工程信息网、中国钢结构产 业、钢结构材料网、全球金属网、中国拟在建项目网、中国工程咨询网、中国工程建设网、建筑材料与机械网、中国建设工程招标网、焊接21世纪网、中国腐蚀网、中国钢结构产业网、主办城市 Website: China construction steel structure network, steel structure network, China project network, China steel structure industry network, Steel material network, Globe metal network, China Under construct project network, China project information network, China project construction network, Building material & Machine network, China construction project bid network, Jointing 21st century network, China canker network, China steel structure industry network, Host city etc. ·诚邀对象 Invite object: 大会向全国发放30万张参观券及5万份商务邀请函。 ·诚邀建设部、交通部、铁道部、国家发改委、科技部等相关政府机构的相关人士。 ·诚邀相关行业的协会、学会、设计单位、科研院校。 ·诚邀建筑、城建、交通的投资商、开发商单位。 ·诚邀建设、水利、水电、消防、通信等系统的承建商及施工单位。 ·组织海外参会及采购团。 We will send 300,000 tickets and 50,000 business invitation Invite the government persons in the ministry of construction, communications, railway Dep., National Development and Reform Commission, Science & Technology Dep. etc. 展出内容(按展区划分) Exhibition area: 1. 成果展区(名人、名企、名项目) 1> Production area(Famous persons, enterprises and projects) 2. 节能节地型建筑(钢结构住宅试点工程、实验基地) 2> Energy and area saving construction (Steel structure housing experimental unit projects and base.) 3. 新型结构展示(大型场馆、张弦梁及张弦桁架、开合屋面、索穹顶、弦支穹顶、玻璃结构,复合、组合结构,预应力钢结构) 3> New type structure show (large gymnasium, truss, glass structure, complex, combination structure, prestressing steel structure) 4. 节能墙体及材料:保温切块、保温条板、轻质保温墙板、外墙外保温技术、内隔墙 4> Energy saving wall and material: heat preservation split block, lath, light-weight wallboard, exterior wall heat preservation technology and inner buikhead. 5. 保温隔热材料:岩棉、矿棉、聚氨脂、EPS、XPS、珍珠岩…… 5> heat preservation & heat insulation material: rock wool, mountain wool, polyurethane, EPS, XPS and pearlitwe etc. 6. 防腐防火材料及应用 6> Antisepsis fireproofing material & applications 7. 不锈钢幕墙 7> Stainless steel curtain wall 8. 膜结构及索膜结构 8> Film structure 9. 钢结构加工制作机具区(焊接、切割、数控机床) 9> Steel structure machining, machine & tool area(jointing, incise and numerical control machine tool) 10. 配件区:钢丝绳、钢索、锁具、紧固件,高强螺栓、自攻自钻螺丝、产品及生产机具 10> Fittings area: Steel wire, tightwire, lock, fastening, bolt, snail, production and machine & tool 11. 港、澳、台和国外展区 11> Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas area. 12. 设计展区(大型场馆、会议中心、大型公共建筑的设计技术及方案) 12> Design exhibition (large gymnasium, meeting center, large public construction and design technology) 13. 施工展区(大型施工公司示范工程) 13> Construction exhibition area(large construction company, demonstrate project) 14. 房地产开发展区 14> Real estate develop area. 参展费用 Exhibition fee: ·标准展位(3*3m2): Normal booth: (3*3Sqm.) 国内: 7800元人民币 Domestic: 7,800RMB 国外: 2500美元 Overseas: 2,500$ ·光地 (36m2起租): Field: Rent F r o m 36Sqm. 国内: 780元/m2 Domestic: 780RMB/Sqm. 国外: 250美元/m2 Overseas: 250$/Sqm. 注:1.标准展位包括如下设施:三面(或两面)展板、一张洽谈桌、两把洽谈椅、普通照明、一个220V/5A电源插座、展位内铺地毯、楣板文字(公司名称)制作。 2.光地如需地毯、射灯、电源及洽谈桌椅等设施,可另行租赁。自建展位布展施工管理费,按展馆标准由参展商直接向展馆交纳。 Remark: Normal booth including: 1>Three round exhibit board, one table, Two Chairs, normal lights, one 220V/5A power supply electrical outlet. Carpet and company’s name. 2> If the field booth need carpet, light, table and chair etc, you can rent also. You should pay for the management fee to the exhibition hall. 大会其他服务: 1. 参观券背面图文广告: 5000元(60000张) 2. 会刊图文广告:[1]封底:15000元 [2]封二、菲页:12000元 [3]封三: 8000元 [4]内页: 5000元 3. 资料袋背面图文广告: 5000元(5000个) 4. 现场广告: [1]PVC气球(直径3.5m含条幅): 6000元/展期 [2]彩虹门(12—15m跨含条幅) : 8000元/展期 ·请参展厂商填写“参展申报表”用快件或传真至大会组委会的联系单位,并将参展费 通过银行汇出,展位确定以款到为准。展位确定后大会组委会将把《参展商手册》寄至 参展单位,参展单位请按《参展商手册》的要求做好参展前的准备工作。 Other service: 1> Advertise on the back of the tickets: 5,000RMB (60,000 copies) 2> Exhibition directory: Back cover: 15,000RMB, inside Front page and title: 12,000RMB, Face to the back cover: 8,000RMB insertion: 5000RMB, 3> advertise on the bag: 5000RMB (5000 copies), 4> Locale Advertisement: 1. PVC balloon, 6000RMB 2. Rainbow Wall: (12-15m including the scroll) 8000RMB The exhibitor should sign the “Exhibit declare form” fax to E-mail to the organizer, and transfer the money to our bank account, the booth confirm all depends on the remit. We will send the “Exhibitor handbook” to your company for your preparation. 高级论坛研讨会 The seminar. 一、 2005年钢铁企业概况与2006年钢结构的展望 1> 2005 steel industry general situation & 2006 steel structure expectation. 二、 近十年来钢结构的发展与特点 2> The steel structure development & characteristics in recent 10 years. 三、 钢结构工程当前设计中一些问题及审图重点 3> Some questions and checkup the drawing during the steel structure project. 四、 钢结构加工中常见的问题 4> Some normal problem during the machinery of steel structure. 五、 2008年奥运场馆及2010年上海世博会场馆介绍 5> 2008 Olympic hall & 2010 Shanghai World exhibition hall introduction. 六、钢结构住宅专题 1.国内发展历程及现状 2.北美多层钢结构住宅介绍 3.钢结构住宅试点工程概况及基地 4.钢结构住宅的维护墙体概况 5.节地型独立式住宅介绍 6.钢结构住宅的有关规范、规程介绍 7.当前存在的问题 6> Steel structure housing special: 1) Domestic market course and actuality. 2) North American steel structure housing introduction, 3) Steel structure housing project general situation and base. 4) Maintenance wall situation of steel structure housing. 5) Energy saving detached house introduction. 6) Some criterion rules introduction of steel structure housing. 7) The existent problems. 七、几个重点工程介绍(新技术、新材料、新工艺) ·新北京电视台 ·水立方工程 ·新中央电视台 ·国家大剧院 ·鸟巢工程 ·全运会工程 7> Some Main project introduction (New technology, material and art.) New Beijing TV Shuilifang project. New CCTV National showplace Bird’s nest project Athletic meeting project. 八、膜结构及索膜结构 8> Film structure 九、CAD及CAM施工中安装工程的仿真技术 9> CAD & CAM fitting project copy technology. 十、戴高乐机场的坍塌与国家大剧院 10> Daigaole Airport collapse & National showplace. 十一、钢结构的防腐、防火技术 11> Antisepsis & fireproofing on the steel structure. 令人瞩目的五大亮点 Focus: 建设部(建质[2005]26号)建筑业推广应用10项新技术中第五项的实施工作。落实建设部建筑业10项新技术中第五项钢结构技术方面的推广应用,作好钢结构新技术应用示范工程推广应用,同时加强防腐涂料及涂装设备、焊接、紧固件、墙体材料、金属门业五金等配套技术的推广应用,以提高优质工程的技术含量。 对中国建筑金属结构协会钢结构委员会评选的“三名—名人、名企、名项目”进行全方位的 推广展示。 Promote the 5th item of the ministry of construction, carrying out the promotion of the 5th steel structure technology, and the new technology application demonstrate project, fastening the promote on antisepsis painting and the equipment, jointing, fastening, wall material, metal door industry and hardware fittings etc. improving the technology content of the good project. “名人”—优秀项目经理 “Famous person” Excellence item manager “名企”—钢结构知名企业 “Famous company” Steel structure famous enterprise. “名项目”—钢结构金奖工程“精品集”入围项目。 “Famous item” Steel structure golden project. 加强海内外专业客户的组织 Fasten the organize of overseas professional clients. 从国外邀请贸易采购团为本会专门制定采购计划,展会期间召开座谈会带项目进行交流。 Invite the overseas merchants to constitute buying plans, you can have a talk with them on the item projects. 从国内邀请设计单位、施工单位及房地产开发单位到会参与展会及研讨会,并分别设立 “设计”“施工”“房地产开发”专区 Invite domestic design company, Construction Company and real estate developer to attend the exhibition and the seminar, and set up “design”, “construct” and “Real estate develop” special 高层论坛研讨会 邀请海内外钢结构行业的知名专家、学者及工程技术人员进行高层研讨会,旨在推进海 内外学术交流引进海外先进的科学技术。 Invite the famous experts, scholar and project technology persons both in China and Overseas to have the seminar, for the purpose of introducing the advanced technology. 专家咨询团现场咨询与答疑 Consultation and solve the problems by the experts 聘请业内专家组成专家团,对引进的国外技术、国内外技术标准、国内大型场馆、会议 中心、大型公共建筑等方面的技术要求、技术难点及存在问题等进行现场咨询与答疑。 Retain the experts to answer the technology orders and difficulties when introduce the overseas technology, standard, national large hall, meeting center and large public construction. 联系单位:建设部 中国建筑文化中心 联系地址:北京市海淀区三里河路13号 中国建筑文化中心四层,六层 邮政编码:100037 联系电话:010-68311372 传 真:010-88082034 手 机:13911162007 联 系 人:陈海 E— mail: chenhai1688@sohu.com
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